I'm not sure I could have fit in any more reading than that in the past year, so I've upped my goal for 2015 to reading 200 books. You can keep track with me on the right-hand side of this blog and see how I'm doing. I've read a lot of really good books and a few stinkers in there, but that's okay...the stinkers make you appreciate the really good ones!
Let me recommend a few really good ones I've read over break. First up is Compulsion, by Martina Boone. This is the first in a new series called The Heirs of Watson Island. This book is available at MCPL if you're interested. In this story, Barrie Watson moves from San Francisco to an island off Charleston, South Carolina after her mother's death. Barrie never even knew she had other family, but her aunt welcomes her to Watson Island with open arms. Once there, Barrie discovers that there are strange things happening on the island, and that ancient forces that blessed her with the gift of being able to find things, has also cursed another family. There's an ancient treasure up for grabs, and people who want to use Barrie to find it. And of course, there's a handsome boy named Eight Beaufort to help Barrie figure things out along the way. There's a little bit of everything in this book - mystery and suspense, action, magic, and romance. I highly recommend this one!
I continue to recommend Maggie Stiefvater's Raven Cycle series & picked up with the 3rd book in the series called Blue Lily, Lily Blue. I got my copy from NetGalley, but you can find copies at MCPL and through MCPL's Overdrive if you're interested in continuing the series. In this story, Blue Sargent continues the adventure with Gansey and the rest of the Raven boys to find the mystical Welsh King Glendower. There is lots of action and suspense in this story as the group gets closer and closer to ending their quest.
Finally, let me recommend another first in a new series called Snow Like Ashes, by Sara Raasch. You can get a copy of this book through MCPL or MCPL's Overdrive. In this fantasy/action story, Meira has grown up a refugee of her kingdom of Winter. Winter's kingdom was destroyed by Spring 16 years ago, and only Meira and 24 others survived while all others of their kingdom died or were enslaved by Spring. Their numbers have dwindled to only 8 as they've fought to retrieve the locket of their queen that would restore their connection to the magic that runs through the kingdoms of their world. When Meira manages to get half of the locket, she thinks maybe Winter can be restored. What Meira doesn't realize, though, is that there is much of the story that she doesn't know. Can she find a way to save her kingdom? You'll have to read this page-turner to find out!
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