I recommended The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare, by MG Beuhrlen in class, but have yet to write about it here. This was my favorite book I read this summer, and it was made all the better by the fact that I didn't expect it to be. I'm honestly not even sure I remember how I came across this title in the first place, but I'm glad I did. Alex Wayfare is 17 and has had visions of the past for as long as she can remember. They're more than visions, though. She has this sense of deja vu - that she's actually lived these visions from real times in the past. She experienced the "Starving Time" at the Jamestown colony and rode the first Ferris Wheel at the St. Louis World's Fair. Because of the visions, she's isolated herself and is considered a freak among her peers. One day, Alex meets a man named Porter, who seems to know what she's experienced and he explains she's not crazy. She was created to travel time - to visit her past lives, but not for warm and fuzzy reasons. She's part of an evil plan and now that she knows, she has to find a way to make sure that this life she's currently living is not her last. I'm not usually a fan of time travel books, but the author did it well and in a way that made sense. There's lots of action, intrigue, and the beginnings of what might later turn into a romance in the later books in the series. The next book The Untimely Deaths of Alex Wayfare will come out sometime in 2015.
I also promised a summary of The Fifth Wave, by Rick Yancy. In this story, aliens have set up a devious plan to take over the earth. They are quickly annihilating the earth's population through different waves of attack. In the first wave, they set off an electromagnetic pulse that kills anything electric or with a motor. This kills around half a million of the world's population. The second wave is a tsunami that takes out all the world's coastal cities. The third wave uses birds to infect the remaining population with a deadly virus. The story begins in the midst of the fourth wave, and our main character Cassie is on a quest to be reunited with her younger brother. When they were separated, she promised she would find him. She's not sure who else is out there, and she definitely doesn't know who she can trust. Cassie is a dark and troubled main character, and rightly so, but you can't help rooting for her and all of humanity as they try to find a way to gain the upper hand against the aliens before the fifth wave can begin. If you want a creepy story with nonstop action, this is definitely a book for you! As with most books, this is book 1 in a series. Don't worry, though - book 2, The Infinite Sea, is due out on September 16th!

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